Capital Equipment (Industrial Machinery and Equipment)

  • Capital Equipment businesses are going through a massive transformation in the age of the Industry 4.0, Internet of Things and Digital Twins.
  • The marketing assets of this industry need to be representative of the new digital avatar these businesses are donning.
  • Engaging audience, measuring the engagement, converting engagement into customer wins and creating a loyal community of customers are all happening more on the digital realm than ever before.
  • Industrial Machinery and Equipment manufacturers need all the help they can get to not only create the content that is required to achieve this, but also to harness the potential of the Mar-Tech stack to ensure accountability and results.

Major Digital Marketing Drivers of Capital
Equipment Businesses

Rapid Tech Evolution

Rapid Tech Evolution

Long Product Lifecycles, but fast evolving technology and brand new applications rendering old features and content obsolete at a pace like never before.

Global Competition

Global Competition

Product performance and Return on Investment are no longer differentiators. With access to global markets, businesses can easily get lost in the noise from spurious alternatives.

Customer Experience

Customer Experience

Prospects and customers are enjoying pre-purchase experiences unlike anytime in the past because of new age technology like AR/ VR, Machine Learning, etc. So digital assets and content need to participate in these novel immersive experience channels.

Sales Needs All the Help

Sales Needs All the Help

With long sales cycles running in months or even years, machinery and equipment sales teams need help in keeping the prospects engaged and focused through out the sale cycle and even after.

Post Sale Monetization

Post Sale Monetization

Machinery and Equipment can generate more revenues after the sale than before. So targeted engagement across the usable life of the product can create revenue generation opportunities that were mostly reactive in the past.

Visibility and Reputation is Money

Visibility and Reputation is Money

There is a lot of repeatable and rudimentary marketing tasks that can result in improved visibility, better brand recall and higher conversions. They may not be core to your business, but are important nevertheless.

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